
Random April Pics

First two I took during the fire drill: Steven Lavine, president of CalArts, had take a seat and got wipped cream smashed into his face... Then a duck family around campus, a glutenfree heart pancake, a weird little bug, another heart i found on a hiking trip and finally my exhibition catalog in progess. In my BFA4 Graphic Design class i did a catalog about 24 charming books from the CalArts library. These days I'm working on the binding...


Independent Project

Some pictures of my classmates' work for their independet project (except for the first one which is a detail from a poster I liked a lot)...


Malibu Beachtrip

On Saturday, Peter, Min and me made a trip to Topanga Beach in Malibu. In the evening we went to an LA Philharmonic concert in Downtown and were exposed to two hours of Dvorak, Beethoven and Strauss. 10 Dollars per seat, the Mister sitting next to us paid 90, hehe, lucky students...


Cupcakes&April Fools

As part of his Independent Project, my classmate Kurtis brought the most amazing cupcakes I've ever seen and invited everybody to join and eat (monday). The cups of the smaller ones were made out of actual white chocolate! It was incredible... Further down some pictures of April Fools on Tuesday.


Spring Break Impressions

Spring Break was my chance to explore the area around me a little bit more. Over the week I visited the Getty Center (with van Gogh's Irises), The Huntington Gardens (where they have a Gutenberg Bible), Malibu and the Getty Villa...


Frohe Ostern with the Belknaps

Dyeing Easter Eggs at Noel's mum's house in Passadena, having huge feasts and flying kites with Noel's dad and sister in San Pedro in the afternoon. The good times!